NH50plus is a multi-cultural group and was established in 2009 specifically designed to consult with over 50s living in North Hertfordshire. We aim to share information and to provide a voice for over 50s and to work together to improve communities, services and the future for local residents. We are here for a friendly face for a cup of tea and a chat to help to combat loneliness and social isolation.
NH50plus holds monthly Forum meetings which are social get-togethers open to all where ideas can be shared. We invite a guest speaker to come and demonstrate a taster session, workshop or talk on a topic of vital interest to over 50s. Members will be invited to join NH50plus Summer outing and Christmas Lunch We are also here to guide you as an Active Signposting initiative, to various groups who may be of help or interest to you.
By becoming part of an enthusiast group, you will have the opportunity to get information, advice and be heard.
Get the enjoyment of social events where you meet like-minded people from your local community and make new friends.
Involvement in campaigning inequality and discrimination.
Membership is only £8.00per year and free entry for monthly Forum meetings + Refreshments
Email: nh50plus@gmail.com
Telephone: 01462 623515
Facebook: @nh50plus
Website: www.nh50plus.com